Chronos Phantasia

Chronos Phantasia

Chronos Phantasia revolutionizes action RPG combat by letting players transform ANY object into a powerful weapon through our unique Momentum system. As players master timing and build spiritual connections with their weapons, ethereal souls manifest as combat companions.

Nhà Phát Triển: RadicalDreams.Art
Nhà Phát Hành: RadicalDreams.Art
Ngày Phát Hành: 2027
Nền Tảng: windows

In my dreams, a voice keeps calling me forward. I see fragments - a young man's face aging in an instant, the sun whispering secrets I can't quite hear. These visions feel like memories, but whose memories are they?

From the towering peak of Zion to the endless Sea of Tears, from the glittering spires of Arcadia to the vast desert beyond - a truth lies scattered across this vast realm. And somewhere out there, Res waits. A being whose existence seems to echo through time itself, bound to me by forces I don't yet understand.

Combat System
You can pick up and use anything around you as a weapon. If enemies hit you, they knock your weapon away. You can fight with your fists if you have no weapon. You can sneak past enemies or fight them.

In the sun, Zein becomes stronger. You can activate a burst mode that maximizes damage, and you can hear whispers from Verir.

Weapons have their own stories. When you hold a weapon, you can hear echoes of its past, with the intensity depending on the momentum bar. As players master timing and build spiritual connections with their weapons, ethereal souls manifest as combat companions.

Emotional States. Based on the story progression, party members will experience different emotional states, indicated by an icon. These emotions affect combat - for example, party members who are upset with you won’t perform combo finishers and might fight alone.

Momentum Bar. The longer you wield a weapon, the more the momentum and connection with the weapon increases. If the bar reaches its limit, you risk breaking the weapon. You can cool down the weapon by shaking it, but this will reduce the momentum to near zero, causing you to lose access to enhanced combos.

World and Story
Long ago, a being named Res led a rebellion against the immortal Eden race. His actions changed the world forever. Now you play as Zein, searching for your missing mother and uncovering your connection to these ancient events. The world is split into three realms: Arcadia, a grand city built around Mount Zion; the Sea of Tears, an endless shallow ocean filled with mysteries; and the Desert Wastes, where strange people with horns live among the burning sands. Each realm holds pieces of the truth about Res, the Eden, and your own past.