Axia and The Grim Reaper

Axia and The Grim Reaper

Axia and The Grim Reaper is a turn-based RPG where you must balance your social and college life, while also fighting crime in your pursuit for vengeance.

Geliştirici: Reverent Games
Yayıncı: Reverent Games
Çıkış Tarihi: Coming soon
Platform: windows

With a planned runtime of over 30 hours for the main story, there will be lots to discover and do!

  • 10+ Dungeons to explore and conquer

  • 4 Party Members in combat, with over 2+ more to obtain

  • Turn-based combat inspired by genre greats

  • Visual Novel inspired cutscenes mixed with 3D animated cutscenes

  • Over a dozen abilities to train and level up for each party member

As a student, you'll attend school, hang out with friends, and do school work as you try to be the best student you can. 

Going to School: At the beginning of the school year, the player will be able to choose from a variety of different classes in the syllabus to take, ranging from Linguistics to Engineering. Each class will offer different benefits and cater to different playstyles, but also feature their own unique storylines and characters. No matter which classes you decide to take, each one will make your playthrough, yours.

Bonds: The Bonds system allows you to spend time with characters in the game for both combat and social benefits. Getting closer to a party member will increase their combat effectiveness, while spending time with a classmate could increase the effectiveness of that class. Spend your time with characters wisely and reap the rewards!

Training: Some activities like going to the gym, or participating in after school sports directly impact combat effectiveness, and can be joined by other party members to gain both combat and social benefits. Training is a great way to prepare for an upcoming mission while not neglecting your friends!

Hanging out with Friends: The most effective way to get closer with friends is to hang out with them. While some activities can also increase combat effectiveness, the most rewarding will be social escapades like going to the nightclub, or watching a movie together.

As a vigilante, you'll accept contracts from the criminal underworld, seeking leads for your own quest for justice.

The Net: The Net is a powerful tool that allows Axia to explore the internet in a 3D virtual environment. You can traverse the city as you normally would, while gaining access to locations and information that you normally can't in the physical world. The Net is used to find information, hack into computers, track suspects, and so much more.

Contracts: As a vigilante, your main objective will be to accept contracts that give you extra money/reputation, or further your own goals. Whether it's a side quest to take down some gangsters in the city, or it's a big lead on her quest for justice, you'll find your contracts in the criminal underworld.

Turn-Based Combat: In this conditional turn-based combat system, you'll utilize abilities that you've acquired from leveling to defeat your enemies. 

Ability Chips: As Axia levels up, she will automatically unlock new abilities for the player to use in combat. To use these abilities, you'll need to craft an Ability Chip to hold the ability before then equipping it. The first one is always free and crafted for you!

The AP System: At the end of a battle, you'll receive AP from any defeated enemies. AP will automatically be distributed to any equipped Ability Chips, and can't be collected otherwise. By obtaining AP for Ability Chips, you'll progress their training data until that Ability is fully trained, increasing it's AP value and making that Ability more powerful. To maximize your AP collections, it's important to have Ability Chips crafted and equipped to receive it. Trained Ability Chips can be broken down for their AP value, which can then be spent to craft better Ability Chips!

Hot Swap: During anyone's turn, you can swap the current party member out for another as many times as you wish until the that character has used their turn. If the enemy is weak to certain attacks that another party member has access to, swap them out and take them down!

Attack Weaknesses: Almost all enemies have a weakness to certain types of attacks, whether it be blunt force, piercing, burning, electrocution, or other types! Each party member specializes in certain types of attacks, so be sure to swap them out and use them as needed to win the fight!

Equipment: As you progress through the story and world, you'll find new shops that will have better gear than you do. Save up your money, and buy it when you have the chance!