WiccAtriX Demo

WiccAtriX Demo

This is a demo for Wiccatrix which is a story driven action role playing game where you play as the goat herder Catsear. It has a spell crafting system that lets you create your own spells. You can use these spells to heal yourself, complete puzzles, finish quests, defeat enemies and more..

ผู้พัฒนา: Sublemonal
ผู้จัดจำหน่าย: Sublemonal
วันที่วางจำหน่าย: 2025-02-14
แพลตฟอร์ม: windows

This is a demo for the upcoming game Wiccatrix.

Wiccatrix is a story driven action role playing game where you play as the goat herder Catsear. It has a unique spell crafting system that lets you create your own spells. Your goal is to travel through the lands of Westerra, meet with folk, and complete quests that will allow you to progress the story. Along the way will encounter enemies, puzzles and lands to explore with characters that you will engage with through audio dialogue. 

In this demo you will be able to play the first two renewal cycles of content that will be in the complete game.

A Renewal Cycle consists of  Catsear's journey through the 12 areas doing a bunch of quests along the way given out by different characters. Once the quests are completed you will be given access to The Wintermoon Caldera. This is where you will enter a trial to defeat an obstruction placed there by the bad guys (The Void). Once the obstruction is defeated, you will leave the Caldera and arrive back at Jamnapari Sound where you started completing a cycle. Each time you complete a cycle, All the characters will age including Catsear and the next part of story will unfold and with it a new set of challenges.  

This demo only has two cycles. Once completed it should give you a feel of what the complete game will be like. We anticipate that the complete game will have a total of twelve of these cycles but we might release it with 6 then possibly another 6 later as either dlc or another version. The demo will also be lacking a few features that the full game will have, including the settings panel and the Post Mortem (stats, achievements, leader board) feature that will both be added to the complete game. 

The game was developed to be played using an X input (X Box) controller but can be played with a keyboard if you don't have a controller.

There is a Getting Started guide that for this demo that is worth checking out. It has some basic info that will help you to get going. 

Give it a go, and if you do let us know what you think by leaving a review / or suggestions and if you like it please consider adding the full version to your wish list.