Danger Cliff 2

Danger Cliff 2

Cone man is back, and he brought friends. Run, jump, and drill through a massive, interconnected 2D world! Also dragons. Lots of dragons.

Разработчик: Ernest Whitehead
Издатель: Ernest Whitehead
Дата выхода: To be announced
Платформа: windows

Run, jump, and drill through a massive, open-ended, 2D world featuring multiple playable characters, unique level themes, TURNING INTO A DRAGON(?!), and a slew of optional moves that allow you to decide how you tackle any given challenge!

Danger Cliff 2 is a very open ended 2D Platformer. Run, jump, and drill through huge, interconnected* levels with wild themes, unique mechanics, and branching paths. Between being able to hunt down whatever collectables you want, taking advantage of deep movement mechanics, and three playable characters to choose from, you decided how you tackle this adventure!

*Every level has multiple "connection points" that will take you to or from another part of another level. Sort of like how a Metroidvania map works, but with a lot more freedom of where you can go at any given time. Some connection points are blocked off by gates that require a certain number of collectables.

A couple years ago, Clifford destroyed the evil Dark Prism starship that Richard created and successfully restored his friend Boxer’s home, the Star Prism, to its rightful place in the sky. It seems that wasn’t the end of the story, as several miniature Dark Prisms have recently been detected near Clifford’s planet. Prisma, a member of the mysterious Guardian race who helped construct the Star Prism, has sent out a plea to all the citizens of Conland, requesting their help in dealing with this new threat… to which only Clifford and his friendly-rival Jetstream respond.

Clifford and his pals now must run, jump, and drill—as well as utilize each of their unique abilities—to scour massive, open-ended regions for Prism Shards and stop the source of the Dark Prisms before they leach every last bit of energy from Clifford’s planet.

Over the course of the adventure, our trio of goofy goobers will work together to help Prisma fulfil her duty as Guardian, support Jetstream in dealing with ridicule from his brethren, and try to get Clifford to focus on LITERALLY ANYTHING for longer than 5 seconds.


Sometimes, while exploring, you'll come across a Dream Star powerup. Grabbing it will turn the character into a dragon and grant free-flight within a limited area! You'll have to change how you think about the level's mechanics and design as you weave around airborne enemies and obstacles!

Truly the goofiest of the goobers; an overwhelmingly positive young explorer whose always ready to help a friend (or even an enemy) in need! His attention span is miniscule and he can be a bit unhinged at times. One time he destroyed a giant evil spaceship by drilling it in half in order to save a different giant spaceship.

In-game, Clifford can use his Air-Dash move to gain a burst of momentum and a little extra height too! If done right before getting hit, he’ll perform a Star-Guard to negate all damage. This will also restore his Rush Moves; if a Rush is performed, Clifford will be able to Air-Dash/Star-Guard AGAIN meaning you can repeatedly chain these moves together without landing so long as you have something to parry off of.

Jetstream is an Orchanical; a species of Orca that developed metallic properties. He remains calm in tight situations. Despite his constant training, he’s notably slower then his brethren, and is often made fun of for this (he’s still really fast by Clifford’s standards, though). He tries his best to be a good sport even when his opponents are not.

In-game, Jetstream can Rocket-Jump while in the air to blast through vertical challenges or cross huge gaps. When in water, he can activate his Submarine-Swim ability to have full range of motion and fire Ice-Beams to damage enemies.

Prisma is one of the mysterious Guardian-folk; builders of the Star Prism and enemies of the Destroyer clan. She is kind and caring toward everyone she meets, but she also holds great fighting and acrobatic prowess. DO NOT MESS WITH HER.

In-game she can use her Prism-Guard ability to negate damage from hazards for a short time, allowing her to take routes other characters couldn’t even consider! The move can be re-activated as soon as the effect wears off. With good timing, hazards pose very little threat to Prisma. She can also slow her descent using her Spin-Float move.