The Candle

The Candle - Rated R.
Your candle burns in real-time over up to 4 hours
Once it goes out, you cannot light it again
Explore the manor to find loot
Avoid 4 different spooky scary monsters on your way to reach the hidden chamber
Play games for fun prizes
All of these ideas and points came directly from a livestream which occurred on November 10th 2024.
I attempted to include as many as possible, but some are different / removed if I felt they were too silly for actual release.
1 or 2 man development team
fps horror inspired roguelike
1 hour to complete experience
tutorial spooky ghost wearing jacket
tells you about the candle being your lifeforce
becomes part of UI
have to escape a castle
bunch of scary shit in the castle
bunch of scary shit in caves
end of game twist is the monster is inside you all along
monster is going to be super crazy with jiggle physics
pre-game lobby with redditor stuff all before title screen
dogs and cats and birds you can pet and play with
50 dog breeds
basketball game
baseball game
racing track with fast cars
not scary, doesn't link to main game
at start if game there is a single foot long wax candle
candle burns in real time over 4 hours
running too fast blows out candle
last 10 minutes of candle burning causes tick damage
looking at stuff too closely with candle causes tick damage
you cant put the candle down
no pausing
no sprinting
you get a gun but it only has 2 bullets
end of game monster grows out of arm
monster dodges shots
game starts over completely if you die
vr optional
has battlepass
battle pass has hearty soup with negates meters
end of battlepass turns candle into skull
food and drink meter
lose 25% move speed if meters low
pain in ass to refill drink meter
player dialogue options are just "yes" "yes" and "yes (sassy)"
only difference from npcs is extra line referring to sass
game opens with disclaimer saying this game sucks i dont care
shitload of drm and multiplayer anticheat
pop up before game to review game for extra candle time
at end of game, congratulates you and gets existential
encourages you to preorder the candle 2
game over says "your candle is burning" and uninstalls game