Simple Sudoku

Simple Sudoku

Play the classic puzzle game of Sudoku! No penalization for mistakes! Backtrack and make corrections just like on pencil and paper. Use the notes feature to speculate or rule out options on any given square. Play casually or beat your highest score by completing the puzzle in the quickest time.

개발사: Hagan Interactive LLC
배급사: Hagan Interactive LLC
출시일: Coming soon
플랫폼: windows

Win the game of Sudoku by correctly placing the numbers in all the squares on the grid. Enter numbers (1-9) so that each digit appears once in each horizontal row, vertical column, and 3 by 3 group. You won’t be penalized for mistakes. If you complete the puzzle incorrectly, just backtrack until the numbers are in the proper squares. Use the Notes feature to speculate or rule out potential options on any given square. The Clear or FIll Notes button hides or shows all note numbers in a particular square. Try to solve the puzzle in the fastest time for each difficulty level!