Kings & Savages Demo

A skill based auto battler. Easy to learn, hard to master. Little time commitment as games last a minute. Inspired by Chess and Dota.
Welcome to Kings & Savages!
My name is Marco José Pereira, the solo developer of this game.
Please note, this is early in development and most of what you see will be improved upon.
Inspiration for this game comes from a couple of my favourites, Chess and Dota.
But I wanted a game that doesn't require the time commitment of Dota nor the brain power of Chess!
And here we are...
Key game mechanics:
A game lasts roughly a minute
No decisive RNG gameplay (% critical chance replaced with critical hit after 4 attacks)
RNG determines which Hero/Savage/Items choices are available
Both players start at the same time. No first player advantage
High degree of opponent information to allow for counterplay
Non-grid placement to enable complete freedom of movement
Win/Loss and Draws are possible
All AoE (Area of Effect) damage affects allies
All projectiles can damage allies
Final projectile from last dead unit can still cause a draw
I welcome everyone to join me on discord to discuss anything about the game.
Meet the Heroes
There are currently 12 heroes planned for release. Here are 3 of them.
Heroes will be able to reach level 3 with 2 available skill choices on each level and can also carry 3 items.
Meet the Savages
There are currently 24 savages planned for release. Here are the 6 that will be available for the closed beta. Each has their own unique strength
Game Modes
Hero, Savage and Item choices presented will be the same for both players
Hero, Savage and Item choices presented will be different for both players
But If there is a rare item roll, both players will be presented with rare items
These modes will be 2 and 4 player.
The 4 player mode will be in a mini-tournament format. If a draw happens in the first round, there will be sudden death! (I will keep some surprises :)) Once you win the first round, you will loot your opponent's items. In the final game, both players will have a level 1, 2 and 3 heroes with 5 items. Draws possible on the final round.
Road Map
My goal for the closed beta would be 3 heroes, 6 savages, 9 items, 6 rare items, a new map with obstacles, and both game modes in 2 player format.
Aiming to run between June - Aug 2025.
Final release planned for January 2026.
Transparent Development Journey
Join me every step of the way! I'm always working and chilling on my discord. I plan to release often as I can. With the goal being every 2 weeks.
Being a solo developer brings flexibility. So I'm always open to suggestions, I'm not afraid to change the game in a big way if it brings more fun.
At the end of the day, this is a game I am building for myself to play as well as the public. I believe this mindset will bring out the best. If developers focused on creating games they want to play instead of cash grabs, the gaming world would return to the glory days!
And after release? Still more planned! Tournament Mode and more maps at the very least.
Will there be microtransactions after release?
There are currently no plans for it. The only way I would like it, is if the community created it. And creators will receive the lions share of the revenue.