dirtbag MAHJONG

dirtbag MAHJONG

Riichi mahjong with a twist! Play mahjong with party game elements, for both beginners and experienced players.

開発元: paranoodle
パブリッシャー: paranoodle
発売日: 2025
プラットフォーム: windows,mac,linux

Lie, cheat, and steal your way to victory in Dirtbag Mahjong!

Choose your character and join five other dirtbags for a night of riichi mahjong - with a twist. Nobody here plays fair, and they've all got some dirty tricks up their sleeves.

Dirtbag Mahjong is a complete and beginner-friendly mahjong experience that also offers some party game surprises to keep experienced players guessing.


  • Riichi mahjong text guide and interactive tutorial, to help ease into the game or the higher difficulties

  • Six playable characters with unique abilities, each with their own story mode

  • Free play mode with either "standard" or "dirtbag" rules, for a complete single-player mahjong experience

  • CPU difficulty options ranging from beginner-friendly to unfairly hard

  • Character and mahjong tile skins

  • Handmade pixel art