Portal: Intrusion

Portal: Intrusion

After unknown threats are detected above Aperture Laboratories in Portal: Intrusion, the fan-made modification for Portal 2, you are tasked with defending the facility by GLaDOS. When plans go awry, your only goal is to secure your freedom, but not without unforeseen consequences.

開発元: Portal: Intrusion Team
パブリッシャー: Portal: Intrusion Team
発売日: To be announced
プラットフォーム: windows,linux

Portal: Intrusion is a fan-made mod for Portal 2, running off of Portal 2: Community Edition.

Intrusion will include:

  • An original OST

  • Multiple hours of gameplay.

  • An original story.

  • Many new mechanics.

  • Many new perplexing puzzles.

And more.

When will Intrusion be released?

Intrusion is nowhere near completed, the release date cannot be pinned down yet.

How long is Intrusion?

Intrusion is too early in development to pin down the length.

Do I need Portal 2 to play?

Yes, Intrusion runs on Portal 2: Community Edition, which requires that you own Portal 2 to play. You will not need either Portal 2, or Community Edition installed to play. You will only need to own Portal 2.

Will the soundtrack be released?

Yes, it will be out shortly after Intrusion releases. You can use it wherever you want, as long as you please remember to credit it.

How can I help develop Intrusion?

Join the Discord server.

Portal: Intrusion is a mod for Portal 2. Set 50 years later, following the events of Portal 2, unknown threats are detected above Aperture Laboratories, you are tasked with defending the facility by GLaDOS. However, when plans go awry, your only goal is to secure your freedom. But even the most well devised plans may cause unforeseen consequences.

Puzzle Mechanics

Portal: Intrusion will introduce new mechanics, old mechanics, and scrapped mechanics.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Pneumatic Diversity Vent

  • Schrödinger's Cube

  • Supercharged Portal Gun

  • High Energy Pellets