Gretel's Honesty

A comic-like visual novel, expressing a new story based on the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel”.
What is covered under the sugar?
There are many hidden dark sides to fairy tales told all over the world.
This game presents a new story based on “Hansel and Gretel”.
Game Features
A visual novel adventure that progresses like a comic book with simple clicks.
A fancy and creepy world of fairy tales, vividly drawn in limited colors.
Over 200 cuts of illustrations (about 50 pages in comic form!).
10 chapters in total. Chapter list and text history functions available.
Two endings, one branching point. Other choices do not affect the story.
Estimated play time: approx. 20 minutes.
Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister from a poor family.
Abandoned, they find a Gingerbread House in the forest.
After they`re caught by a scary witch in the house, what is their fate...?
Listen to the true feelings of Gretel, that has never been focused before.
Gretel: A quiet girl. This game focuses on her inner life.
Hansel: Gretel's older brother. Kind-hearted and always on Gretel's side.
The Witch: The owner of the Gingerbread House. She uses terrifying magic.
Dad and Ma'am: The parents of Hansel and Gretel. Ma'am is the Dad's second marriage.