Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight is a RPG in which you play as the worst knight in the kingdom sent on the classic quest- Take the magic sword, save the monster, slay the girl—err, no, was it…
Play through the classic quest as the kingdom’s worst hope in the Dragon Knight RPG. Slay the monster. Save the girl. Don’t drop your sword.
Made by a solo developer, Dragon Knight is a RPG that does not take itself too seriously, but still has many elements you might expect to find in other games; swing the sword, kill the things, gain experience. Hack and slash (and trip and flail) your way through typical foes such as orcs, witches, demons, and of course, a dragon.
This choose-your-own-adventure story features various endings (some perhaps more satisfying than others) depending on the dialogue choices you make. Speaking of difficult decisions, when the situation calls for brains over brawn, don't count on the protagonist to be of any help, but rather the opposite. And always remember, in order to confuse the enemy, you must first confuse yourself!