Subject 7
This game is unlike any game you've ever enjoyed. Undergo a rigorous test of patience where every step you take the cameras follow. Will you obey and discover what lies behind the yellow door?
The Ascent of Subject 7
In this first person walking simulator you venture through the suffocating halls of a strange facility as a test subject under the supervision of a highly competent scientist. Will you discover the truth about that which lies beyond the yellow door? Probably not. How high can you go? Likely... around [redacted].
Feast your Eyes
Experience the uncanny atmosphere in this old and decrepit facility where you will be given strict instructions on your next steps in this dreary, humdrum journey.
Reach new Heights!
Climb farther than any subject before you. With every step you take you feel the enthralling rush of being the absolute best of the most utterly bog-standard batch of subjects there ever was!
Test your Patience!
Is your will strong enough to endure the tedious nature of your grandiose yet monotonous task as you relentlessly march on up to conquer the great challenge presented before you?
Auditory Escapade
Mysterious music, cat noises, scientists and conspirators. Will your journey remain smooth and your psyche intact as you listen to some of the best of the worst voice acting that has ever graced your organic audio receptors?
Yellow or Gray?
Do you stay within the perfectly safe confines of the facility and its yellow door? Or will you venture out into the unknown? We haven’t the foggiest idea. That is something you’ll have to figure out yourself. Just know there's only one right answer.