Embark on a chilling adventure through a mysterious forest on a cold Christmas Eve night, searching for ornaments to decorate a Christmas tree. But beware—something lurks in the  snowy darkness…

Developer: Night Drive Interactive
Publisher: Night Drive Interactive
Release Date: 2024-12
Platform: windows

Embark on a chilling adventure through a mysterious forest on a cold Christmas Eve night, searching for ornaments to decorate a Christmas tree. But beware—something lurks in the  snowy darkness…

Realistic graphics, viewed through the lens of a retro home video camera, create an immersive and chilling experience.

This is a short, Christmas-themed horror game I created for the holiday season. I hope you find it both festive and fun! It’s built using the same framework as my other game, Backrooms: The Project. This will help speed up development for that title and help me optimize it for the Steam Deck.

Have fun, and don't get lost in the forest!