Behind the Sword

Behind the Sword

Behind the Sword is a fresh take on the turn-based strategy genre, featuring a fast-paced approach to conquering the world.

Developer: Agustin Vuelta
Publisher: Agustin Vuelta
Release Date: 2025-03
Platform: windows

Hi, my name is Agustin Vuelta, I'm a solo game developer from Argentina, currently working on my dream turn-based strategy game, Behind the Sword.


Behind the Sword is a turn-based strategy game with simple rules and tactical gameplay.






To be released, March 2025, soon after Steam Next Fest: February 2025.


This is a living game, I'll keep developing and updating it after release, adding new game modes, diplomacy, kingdom difficulties, modding support, etc, listening to all community feedback.


Join our community

  • Discord: the main community forum of the game, where we can chat, talk about the game, suggest features, report bugs and share ideas.

  • Wiki: mainly for me to explain everything about the game, and others to add tactics and strategies.

  • Reddit: reddit community of the game, similar to our discord but on Reddit.

  • Youtube: my personal channel, where I'll upload trailer and gameplay videos of the game.

  • Roadmap: where I show what I’m working on right now, future tasks, and a record of all the development of the game.