This is a 2D platform adventure game that supports both single player and online multiplayer gameplay. ASDW for move, space bar for jumping, left Shift for sprinting, left mouse buton for attacking, right mouse button for striking.

Developer: Xiao Dong
Publisher: Xiao Dong
Release Date: 2024-12-25
Platform: windows

This is a 2D platform adventure game that supports both single player and online multiplayer gameplay. There are melee characters and ranged shooting characters to choose from, with 18 levels for players to challenge. The networking mode supports 2-person or 4-person collaboration to challenge random levels, and has features such as coins, treasure chests, and equipment. The basic operation is ASDW to move, the space bar is for jumping, the left Shift key is for sprinting, the left mouse button is for attacking, and the right mouse button is for striking.
"3rd Party Account" warning. A account registering (Username, Password) is required to be able to play Online.