Captain Gazman Day Of The Rage Soundtrack - Radio Skanderbeg - Donate Button (1$)

Captain Gazman Day Of The Rage Soundtrack - Radio Skanderbeg - Donate Button (1$)

Car radio station #1. Contains 80's socialist punk masterpieces, provided by the bands SPiD (USSR) and Kaltfront (East Germany). Also doubles as a donate button - by purchasing this OST, you're sponsoring the authors of the game (30%) and the creation of Captain Gazman 2: Dawn Of The Rage (70%).

Developer: Les Kalifas,Kazarma,VEB Videospielewerk 'Bewegungsdruiden'
Publisher: Kalifas Music
Release Date: 2024-12-20
Platform: windows,mac,linux

Car radio station #1.

Contains 80's socialist punk masterpieces, kindly provided by the bands SPiD (USSR) and Kaltfront (East Germany).

Also doubles as a donate button - by purchasing this exact OST, you are sponsoring the authors of the game personally (30%) and the creation of Captain Gazman 2: Dawn Of The Rage (70%).