moka cat
"Moka Cat" is a local co-op game featuring cats and dogs as the main characters.
The "W, A, S, D" keys and the spacebar are used to control the cat, while the arrow keys and the mouse are used to control the dog. The game is best played with two players, though it can also be played solo.
The cat is highly agile, capable of dodging enemy attacks and effectively drawing their attention. The dog takes the lead in offense, firing missiles from its tail, but its movement speed is very slow. Defeated enemies may drop items, such as health recovery tools.
If one player is downed, the other teammate can approach to revive them. However, if the revival is not completed within the given time, the downed player will be permanently out. Effective teamwork is essential to achieve higher scores.
The game also records your score and the number of enemies defeated.