Dynamite Anton
Dynamite Anton is the central character and protagonist of the Anton series. He is portrayed as a tall, rotund man with red skin, black hair, and a beard, donning a long-sleeved green shirt and black overalls. Anton has made a career transition from being an exterminator in Antonball Deluxe to a demolition worker with a passion for spirits and destruction.
Personality and Initial Appearance
He is known for his boisterous personality, as evidenced by his direct address to the viewer in the Antonball Deluxe launch trailer, inviting them to "play with their balls." Anton's journey in the game mode of Antonball Deluxe involves a drunken fall into the sewers, from which he attempts to break his way home, showcasing his strength and determination.
History and Career Transition
Beyond his in-game exploits, Anton is depicted as a single father and has a clear preference for PlayStation over Xbox, as seen in promotional artwork for AntonBlast. His character has evolved over time, with a two-year gap leading to a new job as a demolitionist in Antonblast, where he embarks on a quest to reclaim his stolen spirits and destroy any obstacles in his path.
Media Presence
Anton's appearances span across various games and media, including Antonball Classic, Punch Ball Antonball Classic, Antonball Deluxe, Annalynn, and AntonBlast.